I'm an investor (or am interested in becoming one). How can I find some information about Central Pacific Financial Corp.?
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Where is Central Pacific Financial Corp.'s common stock listed?
Our common stock is listed on the NYSE under the symbol
For more detailed stock information, please visit our
Stock Information page.
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Where is Central Pacific Financial Corp's headquarters located?
Central Pacific Financial Corp.'s headquarters is located in the Central Pacific Plaza at 220 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
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Does Central Pacific Financial Corp. pay a cash dividend on its common stock?
Central Pacific Financial Corp. has historically paid a semiannual dividend since 1958 and a quarterly dividend since the second quarter of 1988. On January 9, 2009, the Company announced that it suspended the payment of cash dividends to preserve capital. To see a list of our historical dividends and stock splits, please visit our
Stock Splits & Dividends page.
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How many branches and ATM’s does Central Pacific Financial Corp. operate?
Central Pacific Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Central Pacific Financial Corp., operates 35 branches statewide, including four supermarket branches, and over 100 ATMs.
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Who is the transfer agent for Central Pacific Financial Corp.'s common stock?
Equiniti Group plc. is the transfer agent and can be contacted at 1-800-401-1957 or you can obtain general shareholder information from their web site at
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How do I transfer shares of Central Pacific Financial Corp.?
If your shares are held through Equniti Group plc., you need to contact them in writing. Please visit their website,
https://www.shareowneronline.com/, for more information.
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How do I replace a lost or stolen common stock certificate?
Please contact Equiniti Group plc at 1-800-401-1957. Upon receipt of your request, they will begin the replacement process and mail the necessary forms to the mailing address maintained on the account. The forms will be accompanied by a cover letter explaining the process.
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How do I report a change of mailing address?
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Who is the independent auditor for Central Pacific Financial Corp.?
Crowe LLP is the independent auditor for Central Pacific Financial Corp. Their contact information is as follows:
Crowe LLP
400 Capitol Mall
Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95814-4498
Phone (916) 441-1000
Fax (916) 441-1110
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What is CPF CUSIP Number?
Central Pacific Financial Corp.'s common stock CUSIP is 154760409.
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How can I receive Email alerts from CPF?
To sign up for Email alerts on our Events, Documents, Press Releases and closing stock price information please visit our
Email Notification page.
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How can I request additional information from CPF?
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